In the School System

Make your voice heard beyond your child's school
If you have a concern that you need to take beyond your your child's school or if you want to exercise influence in education policy, there are different avenues you can take.
District leadership
- Family support coordinators: To resolve issues with your child's school and find general information and resources, you should get in touch with your family support coordinator. Each school district has a dedicated family support coordinator.
- Family leadership coordinators: You can also seek out your family leadership coordinator if your PA/PTA, school leadership team, or other parent leadership organization needs information or support. There is a family leadership coordinator in each district.
See a listing of district leadership
Community Education Councils
There are 32 Community Education Councils, or CECs, in the city, each representing a Community School District. CECs are each made up of 11 voting members serving two-year terms, including nine parents selected from the district's PAs and PTAs. Monthly CEC meetings are open to the public.
CEC responsibilities include serving as a liaison between the school leadership teams and the New York City schools chancellor, approving school zoning changes, evaluating the superintendent and more.
Read about the selection process for CEC members in Chancellor's Regulation D-140.
Presidents' Council
Each community school district has a Presidents' Council made up of PA/PTA presidents or designees who represent the interests of parents within their district.
Chancellor's Parent Advisory Council (CPAC)
The Chancellor's Parent Advisory Council (CPAC) is made up of Presidents' Council presidents. CPAC meets with the chancellor and other DOE divisions monthly and serves in an advisory role to the chancellor. CPAC meetings are open to the public.
District Wellness Advisory Council and Student Voice Committee
Along with teachers, families are key stakeholders in creating healthier school environments. The New York City Department of Education convenes a District Wellness Advisory Council to advise on and promote the DOE Wellness Policy. The Advisory Council represents all school levels and seeks to include a representative group of: parents and caregivers, students, teachers, School Wellness Council champions, school administrators and staff, and other community partners and stakeholders.
The Student Voice Committee is a developing arm of the District Wellness Advisory Council, and seeks to engage a diverse group of student leaders who support Citywide policies and practices addressing wellness-related issues. For more information, email
Other Citywide Councils
In addition to district CECs, there is a citywide council on special education, a citywide council on English language learners and a citywide council on high schools.
Panel for Education Policy
The Panel for Education Policy (PEP) is more central than the CECs and consists of 13 appointed members. Two of the mayor's eight appointees to the PEP must be parents, and the remaining five members are chosen by the borough presidents. The PEP has approval power over school closings and restructurings along with the Chancellor's Regulations. Its meetings are posted on the DOE website, open to the public and allow for public comment.